How does Indo4ward help you with your Indonesia shopping?
We have worked out to be a globalised citizen wherever we are, this includes shopping wherever & whenever we want to. So why do we limit our shopping to what’s available locally? Just as we get most of our stuff imported or when we make an overseas shopping spree, our shopping can simply be made through a few clicks on the computer (or tap on a phone)!
Indo4ward, at least, is making shopping from Indonesia anywhere in the world much more simpler – by providing a marketplace-forwarding service directly from Indonesia. To start Buying from Indonesia, simply work out the 4-steps with Indo4ward and you’re done!
How do you buy from Indonesia (with Indo4ward)?
Buying from Indonesia is really easy, simple do the 4ward steps below:

How does Indo4ward provide the most economical shipping fee?
Indo4ward allows orders from any eCommerce platform in Indonesia, that is to say, domestic shipping is just 1 part of the problem. Indo4ward also deals with cross-border (a.k.a. International) shipping which allows the best economical shipping billed for the product you’re buying.
In order to do this, Indo4ward had to work with multiple shipping vendors to negotiate for you the best shipping rates.
What else is Indo4ward providing in their service?
Making orders for you isn’t exactly a simple process. It goes to say that it looks easy on the front, but many details are working hand in hand to make this service possible.
That being said, Indo4ward specifically make things so much easier when:
- Dealing with individual sellers from different marketplaces
- Dealing with the variable Foreign currencies
- Establishing the operational inner workings to get your order to your safely and surely.
Of course, our mission in Indo4ward is to ensure that our customers receive what they should be receiving. On top of our complicated process of making orders possible for you, we also ensure that items are well packed and verified before sending it to you. And if a seller decides to play funny tricks on us, we’ll be there to ensure things are not going to be taking advantage of you.
So what are you waiting for? Start shopping with Indo4ward now!